Community Song Project 2

In 2015/16 we recorded children singing songs from their home backgrounds. We produced a CD with 14 songs reflecting the great diversity of families at the school including Somalian, Polish, Bengali, Scottish, Syrian, Kenyan and Kurdish. Continue reading to listen to these songs and read lyrics/translations.


(See below for lyrics and translations)

“1. Samia” Community Song Project 2
Audio Player

Community Song 2016 LYRICS
Songs from Scotland, Holland, Italy, France, Bangladesh, Somalia, Kenya and Syria as well as English and South African Islamic nasheeds and a Kurdish chant.
(Give Thanks to Allah by South African Zain Bhika and 99 names of Allah by English Kamal Uddin)

1. Samia
Somali, Swahili and Arabic

2. I Love You Mama
معاشل:بنيتي الحبوبه
حلا :انا
مشاعل:حلوة وطيوبه
مشاعل:لما ابيها تنام تمسك ايديا
مشاعل:وتطلب هاديه


مشاعل:يمى نام الله يهديك يمي نامي يلله
مشاعل:يمي نام الله يهديك يمى نام يلله
حلا:مابي……لو تبيني مني آآنام يلا نامي جمبي
حلا:لو تبيني اني آآنام يلا جمبي
مابي مابي مابي مابي مولازم انام انا آخاف أخاف اخاف لحالي أخاف انام
مابي مابي مابي مابي مولازم انام انا آخاف أخاف اخاف لحالي أخاف انام

مشاعل:بروحي اضمك
مشاعل:يسلم هالمك
مشاعل:عسل يا عالم عسل….مافي مثلها
مشاعل:ودي آكلها

مشاعل:يمي نام الله يهديك يمى نام يلله
مشاعل:يمي نام الله يهديك يمى نام يلله
حلا:مابي……لا بغني اغنيه وحده وانتي سمعي يلا
حلا:لا بغني اغنيه وحده وانتي سمعي يلا…..اوووف وميجانا ويا مال قولو يا سلام
مشاعل:يا سلام
حلا:اووووف اوووف اوووف اوووف يا سلام
مابي مابي مابي مابي مولازم انام انا آخاف أخاف اخاف لحالي أخاف انام
مابي مابي مابي مابي مولازم انام انا آخاف أخاف اخاف لحالي أخاف انام
ماماه….ماماه…..ماماه….يلا روحي نامي حبيبتي….

My lovely girl
That’s me
Beautiful and kind
That’s me
When I want her to sleep, she holds on to my hand
That’s me
And she asks for a present
Oh mum!

My little girl, please sleep, come on sleep
I don’t want to
My little girl, please sleep, come on sleep
I don’t want to… if you want me to sleep then come and sleep next to me
I don’t want to
If you want me to sleep then come and sleep next to me
I don’t want, I don’t want to sleep, I’m afraid, I’m afraid to sleep on my own
I don’t want, I don’t want to sleep, I’m afraid, I’m afraid to sleep on my own
I love you mama
I hold you within my soul
May God protect her for her mother,
She’s like honey, oh world she is like honey.
There’s nobody like her
I feel like eating her up

Oh mum
My little girl, please sleep, come on sleep
I don’t want to
My little girl, please sleep, come on sleep
I don’t want… ill just sing one song and you listen ok
Go on then…
I’ll just sing one song and you listen ok… Off, Meijana, O Ya Maal (different traditional songs)
Everybody say “Ya Salaaam!” (meaning, oh amazing)

”Ya salaam!” Oh how amazing is this
I don’t want, I don’t want to sleep, I’m afraid, I’m afraid to sleep on my own
I don’t want, I don’t want to sleep, I’m afraid, I’m afraid to sleep on my own
Mum, mum, mum (she’s waking up her mother because mum has fallen asleep but she hasn’t…) Go on my love go to sleep (telling her mom to go to her room and sleep)

3. Kana Bugi Cha
Oi dekha jay talgach
Oi amader gaon
Oi khanete bash kore kana bogor cha
Oo bogi tui khash ki
Panta vat chash ki?
Panta ami khai na,
Puti mach pai na.
Akta jodi pai
Omni dhore gapush gupush khai

There you can see the palm tree
There lies our village
Over there lives a blind stork’s kids
Oh Stork mum, what do you eat?
Would you l like to have Panta rice [Panta is a kind of rice prepared in Bangladesh]
The Stork replies –
I don’t eat Panta rice,
I’m not getting Swamp Barb [Swamp Barb are small fishes found in lakes in Bangladesh]
If I catch one of them
Then I would enjoy a good meal.

4. I Bambini Fanno Oh
Quando I bambini fanno oh
C’e un topolino
Mentre I bambini fanno oh
C’e un cagnolino
Se c’e una cosa che ora so
Ma che mai piu io rivedro
E un lupo nero che da un bacino
A un agnellino
Tutti I bambini fanno oh
Dammi la mano perche mi lasci solo
Sai che da soli non si puo
Senza qualcuno, nessuno puo diventare un uomo
Per una bambola o un robot bot bot
Magari litigano un po
Ma col ditino ad alta voce
Almeno loro, eh, fanno la pace
Cosi ogni cosa nuova e una sorpresa
Proprio quando piove
I bambini fanno oh guarda la pioggia
Quando I bambini fanno oh
Che meraviglia, che meraviglia
Ma che scemo vedi pero pero
E mi vergogno un po
Perche non so piu fare ooooooo

When the children say “Oh, there’s a little mouse”
While the children say “Oh, there’s a little dog”
If there’s one thing I know now
But that I’ll never see again
It’s a black wolf giving a little kiss
To a little lamb
All the children say “Oh, give me your hand.
Why do you leave me (all) alone?”
You know that you aren’t alone
Without someone no one can become a man
For a doll or a robot-bot-bot
Perhaps they fight a bit.
But with their little finger, aloud
At least they make peace
In this way everything is new, it’s a surprise
And just when it rains the children say
“Oh, look at the rain!”
When the children say “Oh, what a marvel!”
I feel a fool, a bit ashamed,
Because I no longer know how to say ‘Oh!’
5. 99 Names of Allah
There are 99 names of Allah,
Asma’ullah ulhusnaa (greetings)
They are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an,
La ilaha Illa huwar Rahman (God, the only God, the mighty and merciful God)

6. Ye Cannae Shove Yer Granny
(The tune came from the USA in the 1940s as ‘She’ll be Coming Round the Mountain When She Comes’)
Ye canny shove yer granny aff a bus
Naw ye canny shove yer granny aff a bus
Naw ye canny shove yer granny
Cause she’s yer mammie’s mammie
Ye canny shove yer grannie aff a bus

Ye can shove yer other granny aff a bus PUSH PUSH
Ye can shove yer other granny aff a bus PUSH PUSH
Ye can shove yer other granny
Cause she’s just yer daddie’s mammie
Shove yer other grannie aff a bus PUSH PUSH

We’ll all go round to see her after school
We’ll all go round to see her after school
We’ll all go round to see her,
We’ll all go round to see her
We’ll all go round to see her after school HELLO GRANNY

7. Sikiliza Mamawe
Sikiliza mamawe
Nikuambie kitu
Mikono tangu
Midogo ee
Siweze kufanya kazi
Lakini mpenzi mamawe
Nitakuwa mkumbwa
Nita kustidia na wewe
Pumzika na wewe
Pumzika na wewe
Listen mother
I want to tell you something
My hands are small
I can’t do anything
But my darling mother
I will grow up
And then I will help you
And you will relax
And you will relax
And you will relax

8. O Medina Bulbuli
O modinar bulbuli
Tomar naner ful tuli
Joton kore ridoy majhe
Eka eka niribili
O modinar bulbuli
Tomar naner ful tuli
Shei fuleri papri
Gulo jhore pore na
Moghdho kora shubash tahar
Kobhu shesh hoy na

Oh bird of Madina
We pick the flower of your name
We keep you in our heart alone
This flower is always blooming
It looks so beautiful and has a delightful fragrance
It is never ending.

9. Hallur and Ballur
translation: Hallur and Ballur were jumping from one side to another and they like the sweet melon. One liked yellow, another liked red. Which one would you choose? Which one is your favourite?

10. Poesje Mauw
Poesje mauw
Kom eens gauw
Ik heb lekkere melk voor jou
En voor mij
O, wat heerlijk smullen wij

Hondje waf,
Waf, waf, waf
Blijf van mijn lekkers af
Kom eens hier
Aardig dier
Oh, wat hebben we een plezier

Kipje tok
Tok, tok, tok
Koms eens in mijn kippenhok
Leg voor mij, ‘n lekker ei
Oh wat heerlijk smullen wij
Pussycat, come quickly,
I have good milk for you
And for me, rice pudding,
Oh, how we’ll enjoy eating it.

Doggie, yap, yap yap yap,
Stay away from my goodies.
This cake is mine,
But there is some for you.

Little chicken, cluck, cluck cluck cluck,
Come into my hen-house.
Lay a good egg for me.
Oh, how we’ll enjoy eating it.

11. Give Thanks to Allah
Give thanks to Allah,
for the moon and the stars
praise Him all day for
what is and what was.
Take hold of your imaan
dont give it to shaitan
oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghafur Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibul Mohsinin,
huwa Khalikuna huwa Razikuna wa hua ala kulli shaiin qadir
Allah is Ghafur Allah is Rahim Allah is the one who loves the Muhsinin,
He is The Creator, He is The Sustainer and He is The one who has power over all.
Give thanks to Allah,
for the moon and the stars
praise Him all day for
what is and what was.
take hold of your imaan
dont give it to shaitan
oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghafur Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibul Mohsinin,
huwa Khalikuna huwa Razikuna wa hua ala kulli shaiin qadir
Allah is Ghafur Allah is Rahim Allah is the one who loves the Muhsinin,
He is The Creator, He is The Sustainer and He is The one who has power over all.

12. Frere Jacques
Frère Jacques, frère Jacques,
Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?
Sonnez les matines! Sonnez les matines!
Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong.
Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?
Brother John, Brother John,
Morning bells are ringing! Morning bells are ringing!
Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong.

13. Last Night at the Fish Shop
Last night ah went tae the fish shoap
A wee dug stole a haddie bone
A big dog tried tae take it aff him
so the poor wee dog had none.

So ah went tae tell ma auntie Leslie
But ma auntie Leslie wisnae in
So ah peeked through a hole in the curtain
And this is what I saw

Well her teeth were lying on the table
And her hair was lying on the bed
Oh I love to see my auntie Leslie
Screwing in her wooden leg!
14. Mama Gabet Baby
ماما جابت بيبي
(My mum has a baby)
This is from a TV show called Toyor al Jannah